Become a Member
New members are welcome!
​2024/25 Memberships are now available through this website!
2024/25 Membership is $105 for 12 months (October to September)
Upon payment of membership fees you will receive:
our Member's Handbook
a link to access our newsletter
access to the Member's portion on our website for further information on Meet Ups, Workshop and Figure Drawing registration, and other activities and resources.
Partial Year Membership is $50 (April to September)
We offer a reduced fee for new members joining after March 31st.
Returning Members
October 31st is the deadline for fees for returning members. Please pay your fees as soon as possible.
Contact us if you have any further questions or join us at a meeting as a visitor.
Payment Methods
To purchase a membership online with your credit card click on the button below to go to our online store.
Or you can pay through e-transfer at cagstudio16@gmail.com (be sure to add a note stating the purpose of your payment). You can also pay by cheque or cash at a Meet Up. For more information about payment methods contact our Financial Director.